Saturday, 14 January 2012


5. Object Oriented Database Systems (including Object Relational Database systems)

January-2004 [27]

b)         State various concepts, with one example for each, that are essential in defining an Object Oriented (OO) Database.                                                                                 [4]
a)         Discuss with examples various object oriented extensions that are supported In Oracle.                                                                                                                                      [9]
a)         Explain how the concept of object Identity in an object-oriented model differs from the concept tuple equality in the relational model.                                                                    [5]
a)         Discuss various characteristics of object hierarchies and entity hierarchies.                    [9]

July-2004 [17]

b)         Mention the type systems offered by Object Definition Language (ODL) to the database designer?                                                                                                            [4]
g)         Write type declaration for the following in SQL:
i)          NameType, with components for first, middle and last names and a title.
ii)          PersonType, with a name of the person and references to the persons that are their mother and father. You must use the type form part(i) in your declaration.
iii)         MarriageType, with the date of the marriage and reference to the husband and wife.                                                                                                                     [4]
a)         Discuss the necessary features that are needed to consider into account for extending relational model into the Object relational model.                                                        [9]

January-2005 [34]

g)         How object hierarchies are formed? Illustrate with a suitable example.                            [4]
a)         How does the concept of an object in the object-oriented model differ from the concept of an entity in the entity-relationship model?                                                                [6]
c)         How the above object-orientation [in Q. 5. b)] can be supported in SQL? List the characteristic features of SQL to deal with object-orientation.                                    [6]
d)         Compare and contrast relational database and object-relational database models.        [6]
a)         List important features of object definition and object manipulation languages.                 [6]
b)         How large-object particularly multimedia objects are stored in object-oriented database systems? Explain.                                                                                                [6]

July-2005 [16]

b)         What are the main differences between designing a relational database and an object oriented database?                                                                                                 [4]
a)         Compare ORDBMS and OODBMS with respect to Data sharing, data modeling and data accessing.                                                                                                                  [12]

January-2006 [28]

5.         Consider the following details of a database system, which is required by an academic institute to automate many of its administrative activities. Carryout the questions (a), (b) and (c) listed below:
-           The database system caters to the needs of three types of members – faculty, student and staff members.
-           All members have a name (string), an address (string) and an Id (integer). In addition, faculty-members have a few research interests (an array of strings) and Office-telephone number (integer); student-members have an academic program number (integer) and staff-members have an employee-number (integer).
b)         How the above object-orientation can be supported in SQL? List the characteristic features of SQL to deal with object-orientation.                                                                [6]
b)         Differentiate between a relational database and object-relational database models.      [6]
c)         Using description given in question 5, describe how does the concept of an object in the object-oriented model differ from the concept of an entity in the entity-relationship model?                                                                                                                       [6]
a)         How are large objects such as multimedia objects are stored in object-oriented database systems? Explain in details.                                                                                            [6]
c)         Distinguish between relational database and object-relational database models.              [4]

July-2006 [26]

a)         What is relational database management system? What is object oriented database management system? Differentiate between the conceptual design of object database and relational database.                                                                                    [3+3+8]
a)         What is data definition and a data manipulation in object database 02 differs from data definition and data manipulation in object database object store.                                   [12]

January-2007 [38]

a)         Explain clearly in what way designing an object oriented database is different from relational database.                                                                                                     [4]
g)         What kinds of support are available in Oracle 9i for ORDBMS?                                       [4]
c)         How does the concept of an object in object-oriented model differ from the concept of an entity in the ER diagram?                                                                                    [6]

ans :-- an entity relationship
a)         Discuss various types of concept hierarchies by providing two examples for each type.                                                                                                                                        [6]
a)         Compare ORDBMS and OODBMS with respect to Data sharing, data modeling and data accessing.                                                                                                                    [6]
a)         How are large objects such as multimedia objects stored in object-oriented database systems?                                                                                                               [6]
c)         State the new kinds of data types supported in object-database system. Give an example for each and discuss how the example situation would be handled if only RDBMS were available.                                                                                                                    [6]

July-2007 [34]

a)         What is the conceptual difference between an object in the object-oriented model and an entity in the entity-relationship model?                                                                      [4]
a)         Describe the limitations of Relational Data Model that have called for object orientation.                                                                                                                                       [6]
a)         Compare OODBMS with ORDBMS to find the points of similarities and dissimilarities.  [6]
a)         List the advantages and disadvantages of an OODBMS?                                   [6]
b)         How large-objects particularly multimedia objects are stored in object-oriented database system? Explain the procedure.                                                                                            [6]
c)         How object hierarchies are formed? Illustrate with a suitable example.                            [6]

January-2008 [28]
5d)        How does the concept of an object in the object oriented model differ from the concept of an entity in entity relationship model?                                                                      [4]
5b)        Enumerate the strengths and weaknesses of object oriented database management system.                                                                                                                   [8]
5a)        SQL Extension and Extension to an OO Programming are two approaches used for object query language. Compare and contrast between “SQL Extension” and “Extension to an OO programming language”.                                                                              [4]
5b)        Explain, how the concept of data identity in relational database management system differs from the concept of Object identity in object oriented database management system.                                                                                                                     [6]
5c)        What is object oriented database? What is the requirement of object oriented databases? Explain the advantages of object oriented databases over relational databases.                 [6]

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