4. Overview Of Advanced Database Technology
January-2004 [38]
e) Define the term distributed data Independence.
Specifically, what does this mean with respect to querying and with respect to
updating of data In the presence of data fragmentation and data replication? [4]
g) Define
Data Mining? Mention any three applications where data mining is used.
a) Given a relation S(student, subject,
marks), write a query to find the top n students by total marks, by using
ranking. [5]
b) State
any five advantages of OLAP over OLTP. [5]
c) What is meant by nested transaction?
Discuss with an example various operations used in nested transaction. [8]
7. Write
short notes on the following:
b) Advantages
of Data warehouses [6]
c) Features
of deductive databases [6]
July-2004 [59]
c) Give an example execution sequence such
that Two phase commit(2PC) and 2PC with presumed abort generate an identical
sequence of actions. [4]
e) What is the ratio of the size of
CUBE(F) to the size of F if fact table F has ten dimension attributes, each
with two different values. [4]
a) Compare the three approaches of serializability, namely,
locks, timestamps and validation, with respect to storage utilization and
performance. [9]
4. A multi national software company has
decided to distribute its project management information at regional level. The
current centralized relational. schema is as given below:
Fname, Iname, Address, DOB, Sex, Salary, TaxCode, DeptNo)
DeptName, ManagerNIN, BusinessAreaNo, RegionNo)
ProjName, ConractPrice, ProjectManagerNIN,DeptNo)
ProjNo, HoursWorked)
are grouped regionally as Region 1: Scotland,
Region 2: Wales and Region
3: England.
Information is required by business area, which covers Software engineering,
Mechanical engineering and Electrical engineering. There is no software
engineering in Wales and
Electrical Engineering departments are in England. Projects are staffed by
local department offices. As well as distributing the data regionally, there is
an additional requirement to access employee data either by personal
information ( by Personnel) or by work related information ( by payroll).
Produce a distributed database
design for this system by including the following details:
a) A suitable fragmentation schema for the
system. [6]
b) In
the case of primary horizontal fragmentation, a minimal set of predicates. [6]
c) The
reconstruction of necessary global relations from fragments. [6]
b) Discuss the salient features of an
Active database. How do you model an active database? [6]
a) State why, for the integration of
multiple heterogeneous information sources, many companies in industry prefer
the update-driven approach rather than query driven approach? [6]
b) What
is a star schema? Is it typically in BCNF? Why or why not? [6]
c) Draw the architecture of a data
warehouse and describe the various components involved in it. [6]
January-2005 [0]
July-2005 [86]
e) Compare OLAP systems with OLTP with
respect to orientation, user, unit of work, number of users accessed, priority
and metric features. [4]
f) Distinguish between transaction
queries and data warehouse queries. [4]
a) Discuss why two-phase locking protocol
is not appropriate for indexes. [6]
b) Explain the concepts of serial,
non-serial and serializable schedules. State also the rules for equivalence of
schedules. [12]
a) Give details of the centralized
two-phase commit protocol in a distributed environment. Outline the algorithms
for both coordinator and participants. [10]
b) Define distributed join. Explain its
representation in relational algebra. [8]
a) State any five weaknesses of Relational
Database Management Systems. [6]
b) What is meant by nested transaction?
Discuss with an example various operations used in nested transaction. [6]
6. Suppose that a data warehouse consists
of four dimensions date, spectator, location and game and the two measures
count and charge, where charge is the fare that a spectator pays when watching
a game on a given date. Spectators may be students, adults, or seniors. With
each category having its own charge rate.
a) Draw a star schema diagram for the data
warehouse. [6]
b) How many cuboids are needed to build
the data cube? List them [6]
c) Starting with base cubiod, what
specific OLAP operations should one need to perform in order to list the total
charge paid by student spectators at New
Delhi in the year 2004? [6]
a) State and justify the Thomas write
rule. [6]
b) Define Data Mining? Mention any three
applications where data mining is used. [6]
January-2006 [4]
d) Explain
in brief the features of deductive databases. [4]
July-2006 [66]
e) What is active database? How does it
differ from object-oriented database? [4]
f) What is multimedia database? How does
it differ from conventional database? What are the different types of
multimedia data? [4]
c) What is distributed database management
system? How does it differ from object oriented database management systems? [4]
a) What do you mean by a recovery in
database management system? What is the necessity of recovery? What are the
possible reasons for a transaction to fail in the middle of the execution? What
is the transaction processing? [18]
a) FDBS is an Integration of autonomous
database system. State whether FDBS is a type of Distributed Database System.
Discuss the issues affecting the design of FDBSs (Federated database). [3+7]
b) What is the data mining and data
warehouse? Explain data mining process as a part of the knowledge discovery
process in brief. [4]
c) List the main features of an oracle
distributed database management system and draw the block diagram of it.
7. Consider the following database schema,
where underline indicates primary or foreign key.
DNumber |
MGR StartDate |
DNumber |
DLocation |
PNumber |
DNum |
PNo |
Dependent Name |
BDate |
Relationship |
a SQl Query to retrieve the following data:
a) Make a list of all project numbers for
project that involve an employee whose last name is “smith”, either as a worker
or as a manager of the department that controls the project. [4]
b) Retrieve the name of each employee who
has dependent with same first name and same sex as the employee. [4]
c) Retrieve the name of each employee who
works on all projects controlled by department number 5. [4]
d) List the name of managers who have at
least one dependent. [4]
e) Retrieve all employees in department 5
whose salary is between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 40,000. [2]
January-2007 [58]
d) State any six salient differences between
OLTP and OLAP systems? [4]
a) Explain the concepts of serial,
non-serial and serializable schedules. State also the rules for equivalence of
schedules. [6]
b) State the advantages of distributed
DBMS over a centralized DBMS? [6]
c) What is meant by nested transaction?
Discuss with an example the various operations used in nested transaction. [6]
a) How recovery is handled in distributed
system? Discuss with example. [6]
b) Define distributed join. Explain its
representation in relational algebra. [6]
b) What are the major functions of OLAP
tool? Name any two commercial tools. [6]
a) Suppose that a data warehouse consists
of four dimensions date, spectator, location and game and the two measures
count and charge, where charge is the fare that a spectator pays when watching
a game on a given date, Spectators may be students, adults or seniors. With
each category having its own charge rate. Draw a star schema diagram for the
data warehouse and state how many cuboids are needed to build the data
cube? [6]
b) Explain with an example, how parallel
queries are executed? [6]
b) What are the typical requirements of
clustering in data mining? [6]
July-2007 [40]
b) Discuss as to how serializability is
used to enforce concurrency control in a database system? Why serializability
is sometimes considered too restrictive as a measure of correctness of
c) Differentiate between the constrained
write and the unconstrained write assumptions. Which is more realistic and why? [6]
d) Discuss various measures of transaction
equivalence. What is the difference between conflict equivalence and view
equivalence? [4]
b) Consider the following relations:
Employee(name, address,
salary, plant-number)
type, plant-number)
the employee relation is fragmented horizontally by
plant-number and that each fragment is stored locally at its corresponding
plant site.
the machine relation is stored in its entirety at the
Armonk site.
Describe a
good strategy for processing each of the following queries.
i) Find all employees at the plant that
contains machine number 1130.
ii) Find all employees at plants that
contains machine whose type is “milling machine”.
iii) Find all machines at the Almaden Plant. [6]
b) Discuss the system of propagation of
privileges and the restraints imposed by horizontal and vertical propagation
c) Discuss main categories of OLAP tools
as suggested by Berson and Smith. [6]
a) Discuss why two-phase locking protocol
is not appropriate for indices? [6]
January-2008 [38]
c) Differentiate between the concept of
Data independence in distributed DBMS and the concept of data independence in
centralized DBMS. [4]
b) What is the meaning and type of
distributed database? Define the term Distributed DBMS. Explain the objectives
of distributed databases. [10]
a) With neat sketch, explain the
architecture of typical data mining system. [8]
c) Give comparison between On Line
Transaction Processing (OLTP) and On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP). [4]
a) Differentiate the following Database
i) Remote Update Vs. Distributed Update
ii) Remote Transaction Vs. Distributed
Updates. [6]
b) What is the meaning of nested
transactions in object oriented database management system? Discuss various
operations used in nested transaction. [6]
A multi national software company has decided to distribute its project management information at regional level. The current centralized relational. schema is as given below:
ReplyDeleteEmployee(NIN, Fname, Iname, Address, DOB, Sex, Salary, TaxCode, DeptNo)
Department(DeptNo, DeptName, ManagerNIN, BusinessAreaNo, RegionNo)
Project(ProjNo, ProjName, ConractPrice, ProjectManagerNIN,DeptNo)
Workson(NIN, ProjNo, HoursWorked)
Business(BusinessAreaNo, BusinessAreaName)
Region(RegionNo, RegionName)
Department are grouped regionally as Region 1: Scotland, Region 2: Wales and Region 3: England. Information is required by business area, which covers Software engineering, Mechanical engineering and Electrical engineering. There is no software engineering in Wales and Electrical Engineering departments are in England. Projects are staffed by local department offices. As well as distributing the data regionally, there is an additional requirement to access employee data either by personal information ( by Personnel) or by work related information ( by payroll).
Produce a distributed database design for this system by including the following details:
a) A suitable fragmentation schema for the system. [6]
b) In the case of primary horizontal fragmentation, a minimal set of predicates. [6]
c) The reconstruction of necessary global relations from fragments.