January-2004 [4]
1. Give
brief (one or two sentence) answers to the following questions:
c) Define any one method of
Job analysis. [2]
Ans: Job analysis methods can be
categorized into four basic types:
(1) Observation
Observation of work activities and
worker behaviors is a method of job analysis which can be used independently or
in combination with other methods of job analysis. Three methods of job
analysis based on observation are: (1) direct observation; (2) work methods
analysis, including time and motion study and micro-motion analysis; and (3)
the critical incident technique.
(2) Interview
Manager or a group of people hold
personal interview for the selecting of candidate. On the basis of performance
in the interview the candidate are selected.
Questionnaires, including job inventories or
Some selected questions are written
in a paper and the candidates are allowed to answer the question. On the basis
of their performance in the exam they are selected.
(4) Checklists.
d) Differentiate between
Job enlargement and Job enrichment. [2]
July-2004 [2]
1. Give very brief (2-3 lines) answers to
the following questions:
d) Define job enrichment. [2]
January-2005 [0]
July-2005 [4]
e) Distinguish
between Job Enrichment and Job Enlargement. Illustrate with examples. [4]
January-2006 [2]
g) Distinguish between:
i) Job
Rotation and Job Enrichment [2]
rotation is process of moving employees from one job to another in order to
reduce boredom, increase job satisfaction and allow employees to gain more
insight into the process of the business/ company.
Job enlargement seeks to reduce boredom and increase employee's satisfaction by increasing the number of tasks the worker does.
Both job enlargement and job rotation are alternatives to job specialization.
Job enlargement seeks to reduce boredom and increase employee's satisfaction by increasing the number of tasks the worker does.
Both job enlargement and job rotation are alternatives to job specialization.
January-2007 [6]
b) Discuss the following:
i) Job
Design and Appraisal [3]
Job Design:-Through job design, organizations
try to raise productivity
levels by offering
non-monetary rewards
such as greater satisfaction
from a sense of personal achievement in meeting
the increased challenge and responsibility
of one's work. Job
enlargement, job
enrichment, job
rotation, and job
simplification are the various techniques
used in a job design exercise.
Job Appraisal:- Appraisal is the third and last stage in
using formal decision methods. The objective of the appraisal stage is for the
decision maker to develop insight into the decision and determine a clear
course of action. Much of the insight developed in this stage results from
exploring the implications of the formal decision model developed during
the formulation stage.
ii) Job
Description [3]
Ans: A job description is a list of the general
tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. Typically, it
also includes to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications
needed by the person in the job, salary range for the position, etc. A job description is
usually developed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the
tasks and sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job. The analysis looks
at the areas of knowledge and skills needed by the job.
July-2007 [4]
b) What do you mean by job rotation, job
enlargement and job enrichment?
January-2008 [4]
g) “Job rotation is one of the ways to
make a job enriched.” Is the statement true or false? Justify.
Ans: Job rotation is just like job enlargement by
training and teaching the workers to do several different jobs. By training
workers to do everyone's job are enriching
the workers job knowledge and benefitting the company. Because job rotations
see the immediate results of their learning, they are more likely to develop a
passion for learning about the job. Job rotation may be especially valuable for
organizations that require firm-specific skills because it provides an
incentive to organizations to promote from within because that is when they are
most likely to find the needed skill sets. An example of this, is the business
my mom works at it believes in cross training its employees by teaching them to