Saturday, 14 January 2012


2. Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)

January-2004 [29]

c)         State the difference between persistent and transient objects. How persistence is handled In Object Oriented (OO) database systems?                                                    [4]
d)         How are relationships are represented in Object Oriented (OO) data model? Discuss also the importance of inverse references in Object Oriented (OO) data model.            [4]
f)          What Is versioning? Why Is It Important?                                                          [4]
c)         A car rental company maintains a vehicle database for all vehicles in Its current fleet. For all vehicles, It Includes the vehicle identification number, license number, manufacturer, model, data of purchase and color. Special data are Included for certain types of vehicles;
Sports car. Vans:
Off-road vehicles:
cargo capacity;
horse power, rental age requirement
number of passengers
ground clearance, drlvertraln (four or two wheel drive)
Construct an object oriented database schema definition for this database. Use Inheritance wherever appropriate.                                                                          [8]
b)         Discuss with an example Chen-Chen methodology for object-oriented design.                 [9]

July-2004 [32]

a)         Under what circumstances a relationship is its own inverse? Explain.                             [4]
f)          Class diagrams developed using Booch's methodology can serve as the functional specification of a system. Justify whether this statement is true or false.                         [4]
b)         Develop an object diagram for a graphical document editor that support grouping, which is a concept used in a variety of graphical editors. Assume that a document is composed of several sheets. Each sheet contains drawing objects, including text, geometrical objects and groups. A group is simply a set of drawing objects, possibly including other groups. A group must contain at least two drawing objects. A drawing object can be a direct member of at most one group. Geometrical objects include circles, ellipse, rectangles and squares.                                                                                           [9]
b)         Decide which model(s) (object, dynamic and functional) are relevant for the following aspects of a computer chess player. The board and pieces will be displayed graphically on a video display. Human moves will be indicated via a cursor controlled by a mouse. Of course, in some cases, more than one category may apply. Defend your answers.
i)          User interface which displays computer moves and accept human moves.
ii)          Representation of a configuration of pieces on the board.
iii)         Consideration of a sequence of possible legal moves.
iv)         Validation of a move requested by a human player.                                           [9]
b)         Explain the differences between triggers and integrity constraints.                      [6]

January-2005 [50]

1.         Briefly explain the following:
b)         How do IS-A and HAS-A relationships help in developing object-oriented design?             [4]
e)         What is an association relationship? Give one example of one-to-many association.     [4]
f)          What is object serialization? How is the concept linked to object-persistence?                [4]

b)         Declare a class for a Rational Number ADT. (A rational number is represented by P/Q where P and Q are integers).                                                                                 [6]
3.         Consider the following details of a Library Management system (LMS), which is required by an academic institute to automate book/periodical issuing activities. Carry-out the jobs (a) – (b) listed below: -
-           Library books and periodicals are issued o three types of members – faculty, student and staff members.
-           All members have a name (string), an address (string) and an Id (integer). In addition, faculty-members have a few research interests (an array of strings) and Office-telephone number (integer); student-numbers have an academic program number (integer) and staff-members have an employee-number (integer).
-           You may further assume that a faculty can issue a book for 4 months, a staff for 2 months and a student for 15 days. The Issuing period for a periodical for a faculty-member is 7 days; periodicals are not issued to staff and students.
a)         Identify classes and their relationships and represent them using notations of Booch methods.                                                                                                                 [9]
b)         Write complete declarations of all the classes/subclasses.                                            [9]
b)         A Used-vehicle Sale Company maintains a vehicle database for all vehicles in its current fleet. For all vehicles, it includes the vehicle identification number, registration number, manufacturer, model, first-sales company’s name, insurance status and date of first purchase. For certain categories of vehicle, the following data is also available:
            Trucks: cargo capacity
            Sports car:Horse poser, and
            Vans     : Seating capacity.
            Create an object-oriented database schema definition for this database.                         [6]
a)         What is persistent programming language? How do they make object persistent?           [4]
b)         Consider a system that provides persistent objects. Is such a system necessarily a database system? Explain.                                                                                       [4]

July-2005 [8]

a)         State the difference between persistent and transient objects? How persistence is handled in OODBMS?                                                                                                 [4]
d)         What is check pointing? Why is it needed?                                                                  [4]

January-2006 [36]

1.         Briefly explain the following:
a)         Compare object oriented design with procedure-oriented design.                                    [4]
c)         What is meant by separation of interface and implementation in object-oriented design?                                                                                                                                      [4]
d)         Distinguish between coupling and cohesion. Which is encouraged by object-oriented technology?                                                                                                            [4]
a)         Define inheritance relationship, composition relationship and association relationship in object-oriented technology. Also define and discuss their role in system development.  [6]
5.         Consider the following details of a database system, which is required by an academic institute to automate many of its administrative activities. Carryout the questions (a), (b) and (c) listed below:
-           The database system caters to the needs of three types of members – faculty, student and staff members.
-           All members have a name (string), an address (string) and an Id (integer). In addition, faculty-members have a few research interests (an array of strings) and Office-telephone number (integer); student-members have an academic program number (integer) and staff-members have an employee-number (integer).
a)         Identify the features of the above systems, which would help in object-oriented design.                                                                                                                                        [6]
c)         Create an object-oriented database schema definition for this database.                         [6]
a)         What is object serialization? How is the concept linked to object-persistence? How does a persistent programming language help in object-oriented databases?                             [6]

July-2006 [18]

c)         While using object oriented analysis multiple inheritance in type hierarchy occurs when a certain subtype T is a subtype of one or more than one types and hence inherits the function of one or more than one super type. State whether the sentence is true or false. Justify your answer.                                                                                                   [4]
g)         What is persistent programming language? How do they make object persistent?           [4]
b)         What is the importance of checkpoints in the database management system? How checkpoints are used in the system log file of database management system?                    [4]
b)         What do you understand by a version of a configuration in database management system? Give differences between versions and configurations. What is concurrent engineering?                                                                                                                [6]

January-2007 [16]

c)         What is check pointing? Why is it needed?                                                                  [4]
b)         How is Chen-Chen methodology used for object oriented design?                       [6]
c)         What is the purpose of creating an intersection record in mapping object-oriented models to hierarchical networks?                                                                                   [6]

July-2007 [35]

c)         How do IS-A and HAS-A relationships help in developing object-oriented design?             [4]
f)          What is object serialization? How is the concept linked to object-persistence?                [4]
b)         A Vehicle Rental Company maintains a vehicle database for all vehicles in its current fleet. For all vehicles, it includes the vehicles identification number, registration number, Engine number, manufacturer model, colour of vehicle, date of purchase and the drivers of vehicles. Special data are included for certain types of vehicles:
            *           Trucks: Cargo capacity
            *           Sports Cars: Horsepower, renter age requirement
            *           Vans: Number of passengers
            *           Off road vehicles: ground clearance, drivetrain (four or two-wheel drive)
            Similarly, the details of drivers include such items as driver’s name, date of birth, Licence Number, Permanent Account Number and the type of vehicles he is allowed to drive.
            Construct an object oriented database schema for this example. Use inheritance where appropriate.                                                                                                        [9]
b)         Differentiate between edges in DAG representing inheritance and a DAG representing object containment.                                                                                               [6]
c)         Why do persistent programming languages allow transient objects? Is it not simple to use only persistent objects with unneeded objects deleted at the end of an execution? Explain with justification.                                                                                                  [6]
c)         Describe the main strategies that can be used to create persistent objects?                   [6]

January-2008 [24]
b)         In object oriented analysis and design, aggregation is considered as a special form of association. Explain with an example.                                                                               [4]
e)         What is the meaning of persistent and transient Objects in the object oriented databases? Can a single class have both types of instances in object oriented databases?          [4]
f)          Qualification improves semantic accuracy and increases the visibility of navigation paths in object oriented analysis and design. Explain with an example.                                            [4]
g)         “Underestimating multiplicity can restrict the flexibility of an application in object oriented technique”. Justify the statement.                                                                             [4]
a)         Prepare an Object diagram for a graphical document editor that supports grouping, which is a concept used in a variety of graphical editors. Assume that a document is composed of several sheets. Each sheet contains drawing objects, including text, geometrical objects and groups. A group is simply a set of drawing objects, possibly including other groups. A group must contain at least two drawing objects. A drawing object can be a direct member of at most one group. Geometrical objects include circles, ellipses, rectangles, lines and squares.                                                                                             [8]

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