Saturday, 14 January 2012

interent technology(8)

8. Internet Security

January-2004 [20]

1.         Answer the following: (Attempt any 7 parts)
a)         What do you think is the role of a network manager?                                                     [4]
e)         Explain briefly about the new technology that combines the advantages of both private network and public network?                                                                                  [4]
5.         Differentiate between any 3 of the following pairs:
  • Private key and Public Key.                                                                                       [6]
  • Cookies and Passports                                                                                             [6]

July-2004 [34]

a)         Write short note on Cookies.                                                                                       [4]
4.         Explain any three of the following:
i)          How do Firewalls safeguard the Internet?                                             [6]
ii)          How do Smurf Attacks cripple Internet Service Providers?                      [6]
iii)         How do Viruses work?                                                                                   [6]
iv)         How do Digital certificates ensure Internet Security?                                         [6]
6.         Write short notes on any three of the following:
ii)          Working of Proxy Servers                                                                               [6]

January-2005 [36]

1.         Answer the following: (Attempt any 7 parts)
c)         What is a Proxy Server? Why it is used?                                                                    [4]
d)         What is a Firewall? At what layer do they work? What is the main drawback of a firewall?                                                                                                                                    [4]
e)         Name some packets that are used by SNMP for information transactions                       [4]
a)         Describe the concept of Virtual Private Network (VPN). Why is security a concern when using VPN?                                                                                                                   [6]
c)         Write the difference between SNMP manager and SNMP agent                                     [6]
a)         Explain the difference between authentication methods and encryption methods. Give examples of each as a part of your explanation.                                                              [6]
b)         Describe how cookies can be used to store information about a user?                            [6]

July-2005 [20]

e)         What is a packet filter that is often used to protect an organization’s computer from unwanted Internet traffic called? Describe the concept in brief?                                     [4]
g)         What is a malicious code? By which name are they popularly known.                            [4]
3.         State the difference between any three of the following in brief:
c)         Digital signature and digital certificate.                                                                        [6]
4.         Expand and explain in detail any three of the following acronyms:
a)         VPN                                                                                                                         [6]

January-2006 [35]

d)         What is a Proxy Server? What are its functions?                                                         [4]
g)         What are digital certificates? Explain their role in Internet Security.                                [4]
b)         What are Cookies? How are they different from Microsoft Passports?                             [6]
a)         What are Firewalls? How do they work?                                                                      [4]
b)         What are Viruses? What are the different types of viruses? Explain, how viruses work on Internet?                                                                                                           [8]
c)         Write short notes on:
            i)          Smurf Attacks                                                                                               [3]
a)         What the different aspects of Network Security? What do you mean by Accountability and Authorization?                                                                                                            [6]

July-2006 [24]

g)         What is the difference between plain text and cipher text. Explain stream cipher.            [4]
c)         Explain the differences between authentication methods and encryption methods. Give examples of each.                                                                                                [6]
a)         Describe the concept of VPN. Why is security a concern when using VPN?                   [6]
b)         What is a firewall? What are the typical tasks of a firewall?                                            [6]
a)         Explain the following terms:
            iv)         Virus scanning software                                                                                  [2]

January-2007 [24]

f)          What is Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)? Discuss the Security Issues.                         [4]
c)         What is a firewall? Explain with packet filtering concept.                                                [6]
c)         What are the Internet security threats? What are the factors that constitute a good firewall system?                                                                                                                     [6]
b)         Describe the risks involved in Plaintext communication over the Internet? What can be done to ensure that these dangers (risks) are dealt with.                                                  [8]

July-2007 [30]

c)         What is the role played by VPN in the concept of network security?                               [4]
d)         What is firewall? Should it come before router or after router in a network? Justify.        [4]
g)         What is IP address spoofing and how could it be defeated?                                          [4]
c)         What is the difference between passive and active attacks with respect to security threats faced in using the web?                                                                                               [6]
a)         Describe in detail how public key and private key cryptography are used to provide secure access from a browser to a Web server over the Internet so that a commercial transaction can take place.                                                                                        [6]
c)         What are the various types of access violations that may lead to the possible attacks, security breaches or information corruption over an internet work?                                 [6]

January-2008 [20]

e)         What do you understand by IP spoofing?                                                        [4]
g)         What does SNMP enable network managers do, and why is this important?                   [4]
c)         What is a firewall? What is the purpose the packet filters and application gateways?     [6]
b)         What are Viruses? What are the different types of viruses? Explain, how viruses work on the Internet?                                                                                                                 [6]

July-2008 [10]

a)         Differentiate between stream cipher and block cipher?       [4]
b)         What is the difference between monoalphabetic substitution cipher and polyalphabetic substitution cipher?   [6]

January-2009 [26]

f)          Compare the role of a firewall with that of a proxy server.               [4]
c)         Define the term encryption and decryption. What are drawbacks of single key
encryption? Explain, how asymmetric key encryption solves them.            [6]                   
c)         Explain briefly cookie and its uses. What information does a cookie contain?          [6]       
a)         What is IPSec (IP Security Protocol Suite)? How is it similar to SSL?        [6]       
b)         What is VPN? What are its salient features?        [4]

July-2009 [28]

e)         What is IP address spoofing and how could it be avoided? [4]
a)         Why authentication and encryption is required in VPNs? Discuss any protocol of your choice that emphasizes authentication and encryption in VPNs.    [6]
b)         What are the various types of access violations that may lead to the possible attacks, security breaches or information corruption over an internet?         [6]
7.         Write short notes on any three of the following:
a)         Denial-of-Service Attacks            [6]
b)         Digital certificates          [6]

January-2010 [35]

1.         Write short notes on
e)         i)          Digital Certificates          [2]
b)         What is the purpose of a Proxy Server? Name different types of Proxy Servers? Explain functions of at least one Proxy Server.  [9]
a)         What do you mean by Smurf Attack? How can this type of an attack be prevented?    [6]
b)         Discuss the different aspects of Network Security. Explain Accountability and Authorization in the context of Network Security?                      [6]
a)         What is Cryptography? State the requirements of Public Key Cryptography. Discuss cryptoanalysis in detail.           [9]
b)         Write short notes on
i)          Firewall             [3]

July-2010 [32]

e)         By drawing suitable diagram explain VPN. What are its benefits?               [4]
g)         What are the types of virus? How does virus infect the computer system? How viruses spread from one computer to another computer?                     [4]
b)         What is Internet security? Explain a protocol that defines architecture to provide various security      services for traffic at the IP layer.       [6]
b)         Describe how a message can be authenticated using Public key encryption to ensure that the message was really sent by a specific person or organization.        [6]
a)         What is a digital certificate? What is the most important authentication framework to make them effective?   [6]
8.         Write short notes on (any three):
a)         Firewall             [6]

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