Saturday, 14 January 2012


3. Object Oriented Programming

January-2004 [6]

7.         Write short notes on the following:
a)         Virtual functions                                                                                                         [6]

July-2004 [0]

January-2005 [20]

c)         Implement any four methods declared above in C++ or Java language.                            [6]
d)         Identify object-oriented features used in the above code.                                                [4]
c)         If an object is created without any reference to it, how can it be deleted?                        [4]
c)         What is JDBC? How does this works? Explain in brief.                                                  [6]

July-2005 [4]

c)         Under what conditions two objects of the same type are called deep equal? Also describe how is this equality different from shallow equal?                                                    [4]

January-2006 [18]

b)         Explain single and multiple inheritances and how Java supports them. Illustrate with suitable examples.                                                                                                    [6]
c)         Explain abstraction and encapsulation concepts in object-oriented technology with a suitable example. Can abstraction and encapsulation be achieved in C programming language? If yes; then illustrate with an example in C otherwise explain.                                [8]
b)         If an object is created without any reference to it how can it be deleted?                         [4]

July-2006 [4]

d)         What is the virtual member function? How much does it cost to call a virtual function compared to calling a normal function? Can destructor be virtual? What is the purpose of a virtual destructor?                                                                                                  [4]

January-2007 [4]

b)         Under what conditions two objects of the same type are called deep equal? Describe how this equality is different from shallow equal.                                                            [4]

July-2007 [19]

b)         How would you delete an object that is created without any references to it?                   [4]
a)         What do you understand by pointer swizzling? Describe the various approaches to pointer swizzling.                                                                                                       [9]
a)         Explain as to how a persistent pointer is implemented. Contrast this implementation with that of pointers as they exist in general-purpose languages such as C or Pascal.          [6]

January-2008 [0]

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