Saturday, 14 January 2012

network scurity(8)

8. Network Management

January-2004 [18]

c)         What are agents in Network management system?                                                       [4]
b)         What is MIB? What are the two ways to convey MIB information?                                  [5]
c)         What is the difference between SNMP and RMON? Explain in brief about the snmpbulkget request operation.                                                                                           [5]
d)         Which message types are used:
i)          to gather information from an agent?
ii)          to inform the manager of certain events?                                              [4]

July-2004 [13]

a)         What are agents in Network Management System?                                                      [6]
b)         Give a list of SNMP v3 commands and their functionalities. Indicate their direction of flow. Which of the commands are not supported in SNMP v1?                                         [7]


January-2005 [9]

c)         What is an important difference between an SNMP request/response and an SNMP trap message?                                                                                                                     [3]
c)         Give a list of SNMP v3 commands and their functionalities. Indicate their direction of flow. Which of the commands are not supported in SNMP v1?                                         [6]

July-2005 [4]

a)         What are agents in network management system?                                                       [4]

January-2006 [15]

b)         What is the difference between "reactive" and "proactive" fault management? State the four steps usually followed in reactive fault management.                                         [6]
c)         What does SNMP define as manager, agent and client? .Why does SNMP need SMI and MIB to manage a network? How are they related to UDP?                                     [9]

July-2006 [16]

f)          How is ASN.1 different from other data structure definition schemes?                             [4]
a)         What was the security problem present in SNMP V1 that was solved in SNMP v3 and how?                                                                                                                              [12]

January-2007 [0]


July-2007 [16]

e)         What is the meaning of configuration management or configuration control in network management and information security?                                                                              [4]

b)         What is Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) with respect to network management functions? Explain the key components of an SNMP-managed network.                            [6]

c)         What is network management performance? What are the factors that affect the performance of network?                                                                                     [6]

January-2008 [14]

b)         What are the different types of messages define in SNMP?                                           [4]
b)         What is a SNMP? Explain the SNMP model of a managed network with block diagram showing all the components.                                                                                           [10]

July-2008 [10]
g)         Is there any difference between configuration management and configuration control in network management? Explain the term in brief.              [4]

a)         What is Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) with respect to network management functions? Explain the key components of an SNMP-managed network.                [6]

January-2009 [4]
f)          What are the different types of messages define in SNMP?                       [4]

July-2009 [19]
c)         Define Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). What are the major components of SNMP-managed network?            [4]

b)         What is the difference between “reactive” and “proactive” fault management? State the four steps usually followed in reactive fault management.                     [6]

a)         What is a management information base? Which are the two types of managed objects that exists?            [9]

January-2010 [13]
c)         What is the purpose of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)? A SNMP operation is performed using Protocol Data Unit (PDU), basically a word for packet. List all PDU used and explain each of them.   [7]

a)         What is ASN.1 with respect to network management function? What is the purpose of ASN.1? Explain with the help of an example.           [6]

July-2010 [0]

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